The cause of peace comes not from desire but rather from the lack of it; desire that camouflages in covetousness, of necessity, leads to conflict.
Proverb #670
Maturity announces to one its arrival when that one actually does not have to be TOLD or driven to complete its own responsibilities.
Proverb #722
Unity gives birth to duality that champions the outcome; for chaos has never ceased to be, just as revelation will have no demise.
Proverb #701
The minutest scrutiny, if indeed genuine, launches a never ending tale.
The Unity Of Love Forces Away The Forces Of Torment #765
The one who engages, and cannot escape, turmoil, strife, and disunity in his daily routine has failed to exclusively take the opportunities to devote exclusive attention […]
Measured Accordingly #295
Judgment or punishment ordered from on high is the discretion of justice, influenced by mercy, and measured accordingly to where and when; it cannot go past […]
Chances Are #363
If you know neither where you are, nor where it is you came from, or to where it is you seek to go, chances are you […]
Proverb #140
Before the last decree “The King” had privately taken every thing under advisement; therefore, be advised, arrive early before the next decree.
Before Their Existence As Fools #144
Fools seek never to follow rules and in their ignorance of not knowing that all the rules were made long before their existence as fools, they […]
The Crown Of Ignorance #277
The ignorant proudly and gleefully accept their Crown of Ignorance while willfully dismissing the knowledge of the level of their captivity.