Hidden are the antics of fools only to fools, for in the self-deception that spawned them are they hidden, elsewhere, they are quite noticeable.

Proverb #657
Truest knowledge amalgamates through experience; thus, travels the soul to know the fullness of where it is in existence.

Proponents Of Dogmatic Assertions #616
Proponents of dogmatic assertions that disallow the scrutiny of logical and accumulative placements in time and space prior to believing or disbelieving the believable or the […]

Thoughts Of Genuine Worth #310
Thoughts of genuine worth provide stimulus to virtuous action or to higher thought.

Proverb #804
The conception and formation of a human being is accomplished in three seasons, in order that he be born in his appointed due season into this […]

Proverb #608
Adversity hovers to forge resolve; by whatever inspiration clamors or woos for that decision, it is but a part of all and for the betterment of […]

Proverb #528
Many, by faith and precept, understand existences on several and separate levels are reality. The difficult seam of transitional variances is where knowledge has yet to […]

In Your Own Expectation #50
It is only in your own expectation that disappointment is found.

Every Choice #535
EVERY challenge is issued and made known, the one presently before you demands your CHOICE; either you are or you are not.

Contributors To War #555
One of the greater contributors to war on any level is response. Responses, for the most part, are learned behaviors; and any individual that struggles toward […]