Realism in the world of a fool does not exist; for a fool thinks all men should think as he thinks.
It Is The Soul That Understands #27
Forgiveness to one is understood only by one. Forgiveness from one is also understood only by one. It is the soul that understands; the two opposites […]
Proverb #212
Honor will only be ignored so long, for it will dismiss itself and find another to embrace.
Wisdom Informs Foolishness Denies #342
Wisdom informs a man of the presence, the intent, and the capability of evil; foolishness denies the observations of wisdom.
From What One Understands #603
Mature emotion stems from what one understands, and vice versa; the mastery to defend truth is gained therein. So then, immature emotion speaks for itself.
Those, Who Easily Offend #476
Those, who easily offend, offend those who are easily offended.
Proverb #696
One must understand that what one knows and understands, as opposed to what one desires to know and understand, is of paramount importance, for that knowledge […]
Proverb #249
Not all men are fishers, nor do many wish to learn to fish; they instead prefer that you continually give to them the next fish YOU […]
Proverb #378
Overwhelming and incalculable odds should never alter the course of righteousness; keep counting, develop the equation, and exact the answer.
Look Again #64
The view of one to view one is often clouded and confused by the one residing in the view of the all of one; Look carefully […]