A wise man recognizes the power to master his calling as taken from the form of his abilities; to operate in anything less, or to attempt […]

Proverb #756
The body serves as a place of entrapment for every action given unto man’s proclivity; the monitoring of the soul within, as the higher self, will […]

Proverb #338
Once one deems all that he or she possesses as indispensable, it is with great difficulty that something of greater value can be placed in that […]

Proverb #713
Without appropriate affinity, one can assume an adjacent posture to either spiritual or substantive entity and yet remain far from its offering or its desire.

Wisdom And Understanding #741
A man fails himself when he fails to learn. Wisdom and understanding make a man a good husband; without it he can neither be brave, honest, […]

A Natural Man’s Boast #233
Even as a natural man’s boast is seasonally permitted, it is merely allowed that he may be duly examined at its conclusion.

Proverb #548
The happy-go-lucky individual – Christian or otherwise – that does not see the slightest awry is just along for the ride, and will undoubtedly be jarred […]

Proverb #427
Either deficiency or immensity of one’s own knowledge registers the contradictory or supportive level for the knowledge of another … should that level of knowledge desire […]

Proverb #615
Searching the limits of acceptance is dangerous practice; insincere and deceitful inquiries deserve clever replies, for it is only to the level of one’s own intent […]

The Perishing Ignorant #574
To satisfy any present desire of excess, the additional container must be equal to or greater than the original; dissatisfaction causes barns to be built bigger, […]