To love and to be loved is a choice. To be loved is because of a choice already made by ANOTHER; to love is a choice […]

Movements Of Transfer In The Fabric Of Essence #614
Movements of transfer in the fabric of essence, subtle, and most often ununderstood, are unnoted in the scheme of grandeur; except they are detected first in […]

Proverb #807
Knowing that you occasionally have the ability to be victorious is enough to reach the crowning ceremony; provided you remember what you know.

Proverb #720
The mind is limited only by a willful engagement; reality provides for no sustained limitation of thought; and by willful re-engagement thought continues its quest for […]

Proverb #227
By the aide of the accumulative factors of wisdom and understanding will the wealth of true knowledge be expressed; the phenomena of birth either natural or […]

Proverb #650
With every circumstance consciously experienced a record of decision is made toward the compilation called the subconscious that never misplaces any and constantly provides the newly […]

Situations In Life #320
Situations in life are like clouds – they come – and they go.

Proverb #797
Truth stays on course and gladly suffers reiteration; lies cannot endure a verbatim scrutiny, and their purposes of damnation come to light forcing an altered course. […]

Proverb #745
The vast diversities of universal expansion and containment posit their evidence of existence, and purpose therein, within a single root that is easily traced through the […]

A Positive Exercise #65
Remembering is a positive exercise; provided it is managed in maturity.