You were born to learn – do not forget it; those who do forget, live unfortunate lives.

Proverb #395
If one is unable to explore sufficiently and understand what he actually sees in front of him, the measure of intelligence to know things detailed in […]

Forerunning Accumulations #190
Except the promotion of truth contain the acknowledgement of forerunning accumulations, destiny will claim its due of demotion; for when truth is partial and motive impure […]

Proverb #472
Thoughts are the instantaneous providers to the lusts of men; the Overcomer, because of knowledge, controls the thought and the actions vanish having no motive to […]

Proverb #569
Approval of the many regarding a thing should be ignored when the still small voice of one is heard disapproving.

Proverb #8
For a man to be convinced of truth he must first be convinced of untruth; a man once blind and now seeing, altogether knows his state […]

The Reason For The Rule #235
To have no interest in the rule is also to have no interest in the reason for the rule; all actions have rules and all rules […]

Proverb #587
From the lower nature one chooses to socialize sexually by degree through multiple levels; each has its own immediate reward, and each has its own ultimate […]

Proverb #753
Every outward blemish upon the fruit is indicative of the inevitable ruin within; eventually, inside and out, it looks bad, smells bad, tastes bad, and you […]

Some Things Left Undone #405
When a man dies, he has either performed the deeds he should have performed or he has performed the deeds he should not have performed; perhaps […]