Consider carefully the rebuke of another regarding the very error learned from what you yourself have taught; the fruit comes from the seed and the child […]
Proverb #444
Unless one has assurances of complete control over them, one should not remain in the presence of predators; they are distinguished as such because of inherent […]
Proverb #34
Carnality never seeks spirituality for it is its destruction.
Proverb #747
Every individual that accepts admirable limitations upon unacceptable behavior does so through understanding and compliancy with the governing laws revealed by the Superior mind, and is […]
The Contemplation Discipline #628
If one is satisfied to accept that it is the rock that makes the ripples in the pond after it is thrown; the contemplation discipline of […]
Proverb #12
Flattery provided in self reward soon finds its inevitable demotion.
Proverb #667
When considering the overview – stated or otherwise – remember it still hides the distinctions necessary for continued enlightenment.
Consciousness Precedes Consciousness #520
Consciousness precedes consciousness: thereby the answer to what shall be is known without interruption; from what is, has come all, and from what shall be, is […]
Proverb #578
The sum total is secondary to the whole, although it defines by part and measure to form the whole, the whole was first formed, meticulously parted, […]
The Presumed Wholesomeness Of Relationship #790
Sometimes the presumed wholesomeness of relationship is suddenly challenged by immovable terms from both sides; this just indicates a need for terms of expansion and not […]