Releasing certain accumulations causes the cure. In determination is the gathering; and in determination is the release, which must be thorough with an unbiased aide called […]

Symbolisms #372
The symbolisms, either adopted or established, by which a man promotes his understanding of his present existence among all that is are the measures of the […]

Proverb #675
The simple admission of the obvious can set one to dabbling in truth.

Proverb #737
Too often one spends their intellectual capital angrily at the wrong time: and unavoidably buys something they NEVER intended to own.

Proverb #180
In the purity of mind, the will of God illuminates the apparent.

Proverb #690
When the verity of memory fails in genuine endeavor then that portion of reality no longer exists within this realm.

Proverb #810
Certain profound and specific measures of truth concerning the soul may only be genuinely understood outside the immediate and unyielding stagnation of judgment.

Proverb #459
Injury to one’s soul is worth listening to; plight to the journey provides three explanations – before – during – after.

Proverb #145
While coming early to serve is admirable and advised – avoiding early departure from the task is equally so encouraged.

In Rendering Critical Views #128
In rendering critical views in reflection of another, one should always begin in rendering critical views in reflection of another.