Truth follows not the discipline of development, for that is the path of understanding; truth that is – is truth that shall be – and truth […]
Proverb #413
To key proper association is to key total remembrance.
Proverb #541
Just as gold does not exist in every stream searched, understanding is not present in all men. For the contents of a stream, seen or unseen, […]
Proverb #16
The body’s bewilderment at close of mortal mind discovers that passion and display has left it used, abused, and afar immortality.
Proverb #200
A man finds wisdom that has separated his self to find wisdom.
Understanding Lessons Learned #319
When discovering how it is so – that all things work together to the good of an individual loved – the greatest value discovered is in […]
Proverb #225
Those that seek to understand only the phenomena of short-lived miracles will miss the true and immense display of knowledge while waiting for the next rainbow. […]
Proverb #519
When at last: one who is learned; in light, and finds in light, the many learners pretending to be the learned become inferior; consequently, each is […]
Proverb #356
The counsel of a man resembles the man of counsel. The subject on which he speaks and the advice given will be evidenced as true or […]
Proverb #460
When the intent of one’s heart is either destroyed, or redirected by the knowledge of Holy Spirit, consider it, “gift”, of overcoming grace; the evidence of […]