There is an inherent problem with most “deal-makers” as their deals seems to favor them; neither the one with you nor the one with the next […]
Proverb #139
When coming to hear “The King’s” decree one must not interrupt.
The Record of Misdeed #305
When the soul allows the mind to make choice by the lower rather than by the higher nature then regret takes lodging in the record of […]
Blossoming Uses #217
The blossoming uses, of disrespect from the mouths of fools, invariably discovers fruit being detained and clinging from the very point of release.
Proverb #754
It is sort of like a savings account: for one to cash in and receive one’s own ageless rewards for good deeds one must make accumulative […]
Made Visible In Application #257
Those entities, that are invisible in essence and known only by the rationale of faith, are made visible in application; they are herein extended most powerful […]
“The Formidable Power Of Consequence” #764
To consciously or otherwise choose to ignore, or endeavor to defeat, as an enemy – “the formidable power of consequence” – is by that same choice […]
The Number Of A Man #666
The mind that presently possesses the accumulative intellect required for the enumeration of “that before – that after” has reached the decision made by the second […]
From Here To There Requires a Path #89
One should perceive before the study of a path amply in advance before that path is ventured; from here to there requires a path.
Defining The Day #150
Defining the day must begin early; one must actually meet with them that do it.