All who may seek to be recognized as good – may also seek to recognize that better and best are also levels to be attained.
Proverb #101
True and lasting in its highest form contentment resides in the knowledge of change and opposes the imposture that loves status quo.
Identical #98
The identical ill-taught nature and contentious spirit will definitely accompany one’s arguments, as to why he should be allowed to go one way and not the […]
Our Creator’s Daily Assignments #595
To become cognizant of having been chosen as a participant in today’s activity one should look about with great awe to all others who are either […]
Proverb #813
One should eventually know: whom one insults and alienates is more likely than not, the very one sent to help one overcome insults and alienations.
The Change Renews Itself #473
Grace is a gift offered to all, it is not to be presumptuously assumed, and must be applied for; when it is therefore meekly accepted, a […]
Proverb #585
When anger is filtered through love it is purified; when love is filtered through anger it is putrefied.
Proverb #69
Good stewardship, by virtue, obligates one to invade even the assumed privacy of all that is under its present safekeeping.
All That Happens #331
All that happens this day is needful for this day, for the day past has brought forth this day for the morrow to come.
To Undermine A Friendship #327
When mistrust and selfishness begin to undermine a friendship the damage caused may be irreparable, especially, if those concerned friends begin to confide only in strangers. […]