Little intent receives little reward, for it is neither thought, nor utterance of one’s intentions that adds visible tranquility to a given situation, but rather what […]
Proverb #815
The base purpose of every law is to fully define and display every consequence that can possibly stem from its violation; our assignment is to avoid […]
A Man’s Greatest Power #575
All power in heaven and earth is potential, for in its activation, and in its intensity and subsidence, the potential determines all relative aspects. Therefore, a […]
Proverb #755
How is it that the wicked cannot in honesty admit they were not recognized as such through a single evil deed; how then can the wicked […]
Proverb #656
There are those that have for centuries followed as annoying follies housed in certain acquaintances that we inevitably discover; solace is in knowing their position as […]
Proverb #506
Life lived in the flesh is as being given a two sided coin to pay the way; the frequent tossing should inevitably produce the knowledge of […]
Proverb #637
Character lingers in hidden crevices and the perpetual resolve of beauty never fades in the eye that accompanies its stay.
Changelessness #627
When changelessness has inherent, appropriate and reoccurring change then veritably this Divine Attribute that changes not, which is hidden and transferred by wisdom unto understanding, can […]
Proverb #130
One should know these things.
It Is In Refinement #568
The value of a pile of scrap iron increases if that same volume is made into nails, or tools, or fine cutlery, or surgical instruments; it […]