Understanding has multitudinous levels of proficiency much like strengths and techniques required for weight lifting; most anyone can lift a little.
Identical #98
The identical ill-taught nature and contentious spirit will definitely accompany one’s arguments, as to why he should be allowed to go one way and not the […]
Proverb #652
When a man has made a habit of making poor choices and unwise decisions and everyone including himself knows it, he should not be incensed if […]
Proverb #813
One should eventually know: whom one insults and alienates is more likely than not, the very one sent to help one overcome insults and alienations.
The Change Renews Itself #473
Grace is a gift offered to all, it is not to be presumptuously assumed, and must be applied for; when it is therefore meekly accepted, a […]
A Collective Whole #522
Every nuance of personality that arises to be recognized is but a partial force of a collective whole; nothing finds place except it assemble there.
Proverb #497
When one learns to coordinate “the ideal” with “the real” then truth’s freedom sets aright “the learned one” upon the path which is another and yet […]
Proverb #585
When anger is filtered through love it is purified; when love is filtered through anger it is putrefied.
Proverb #69
Good stewardship, by virtue, obligates one to invade even the assumed privacy of all that is under its present safekeeping.
Proverb #169
If one can explain neither advantage nor disadvantage of a practice, that practice should be re-examined.