Resolution to dispute is found in the just arbitration of higher accord; should one disputant actually represent the mentality of higher accord, it is the responsibility […]
Proverb #707
Nuggets of wisdom bear repeating once accompanied by understanding; such as “the end justifies the means.”
All That Happens #331
All that happens this day is needful for this day, for the day past has brought forth this day for the morrow to come.
Proverb #371
The one, who neither seeks nor receives help, remains helpless.
Proverb #573
Emulation is an innate trait bound in all men and given to a responsibility to course after excellence. It is faith based, given in faith and […]
The Last Response #6
Divine favor accrues or diminishes in each exchange with each individual one crosses paths with; the judging of one is by the last response one has […]
Proverb #710
Destinations are never reached by will alone; it requires ample strength as well.
Proverb #777
When the rank of experience gives way to promotion, the rewards and punishments associated with the obsolete rank are also negated; one could find their new […]
Proverb #501
The space one defends, and counts as his own, becomes the space of another who has the same misconception; as soon as one departs, another arrives. […]
Proverb #159
It is in the asking of the poet that one receive the purest essence of transfer.