When a man dies, he has either performed the deeds he should have performed or he has performed the deeds he should not have performed; perhaps […]
“Restitution Of All Things” #349
The “restitution of all things” shall set in order a right relationship of one thing to another as one soul to another until the preparation recognizes […]
Proverb #784
The conveniency of our daily accommodations in life are automatically set forth by the inescapable phenomena of choice; and so we live by it – happily […]
Proverb #157
In complaint of situation one acknowledges defeat; in praise of situation one acknowledges victory.
Proverb #656
There are those that have for centuries followed as annoying follies housed in certain acquaintances that we inevitably discover; solace is in knowing their position as […]
Changelessness #627
When changelessness has inherent, appropriate and reoccurring change then veritably this Divine Attribute that changes not, which is hidden and transferred by wisdom unto understanding, can […]
Proverb #418
Concerning family, the mother-in-law that has spent her idle time staying busy for the sake of others has earned an opinion; otherwise, the accumulation of that […]
Proverb #302
Words spoken by one soon teach themselves to another; by what spirit they are released is by what spirit they are received.
Proverb #428
Knowledge cannot boast itself lone in its arrival to be accepted; except knowledge, give honor to its companion of understanding, it can neither receive nor give […]