If one can explain neither advantage nor disadvantage of a practice, that practice should be re-examined.
To Receive Greater Charge #324
A man must relinquish unto the King all he thinks himself to be in charge of; his reward for doing so just may insure that he […]
Proverb #608
Adversity hovers to forge resolve; by whatever inspiration clamors or woos for that decision, it is but a part of all and for the betterment of […]
The Best Way #199
The knowledge of and the searching of a better way is admirable indeed; seek also the best way.
Proverb #656
There are those that have for centuries followed as annoying follies housed in certain acquaintances that we inevitably discover; solace is in knowing their position as […]
Proverb #58
It may very well prove in the conclusion of examination that we’ve learned the most through the teacher called CHANGE.
Proverb #629
To this favor; make aggravations small in defeat, delights hugely noticeable in victory and many shall they be that return blossom to your seed.