Anger in defense of righteousness is permissible by degree and by decree, for it is quantified as well as qualified; anger in defense of anything less […]
Proverb #509
Every prophetical decree is conditional, for the concept of delivery must unite with the concept of reception. In addition, all things are subdued by the higher […]
All Mediate Different Destinies #505
The ingenuity of the mind of man produces multitudinous areas for debate, all are but searches for the immutable laws of the “Creator” such as contained […]
Proverb #3
The answer to the question present is relative to before and after; it is also wise neither to reject nor to forget the true answer.
Proverb #143
The alarming similarities’, “all”, offered by adversarial forces should be carefully examined; “and” they should be excluded by that very knowledge.
Communication #564
The longevity and purity of friendship, if there were one, and the absence of seeded confusion, is truthful, honest and just communication.
Proverb #171
Remembering evil causes evil to remember, and consequently it shows itself; remembering good likewise causes good to be present.
Proverb #606
When a simple mind tells another “Everybody likes a compliment”, a wise mind hears him also say “Nobody likes an insult.”
For The Purpose It Is Given #396
There is wisdom to collecting gold that few wise men know; gold is given to the collector to be used for the purpose it is given. […]
Proverb #197
When disciples stand before teachers, that which they see, that which they hear, and that which they understand, is also that which they must inevitably practice. […]