Overwhelming and incalculable odds should never alter the course of righteousness; keep counting, develop the equation, and exact the answer.
Proverb #693
Explanations of certain things may be explained from external observations; others must be explained from internal participation.
Proverb #585
When anger is filtered through love it is purified; when love is filtered through anger it is putrefied.
Proverb #169
If one can explain neither advantage nor disadvantage of a practice, that practice should be re-examined.
The Unity Of Love Forces Away The Forces Of Torment #765
The one who engages, and cannot escape, turmoil, strife, and disunity in his daily routine has failed to exclusively take the opportunities to devote exclusive attention […]
The Most Foolish Fool #189
The most foolish fool is one who has been told not to be.
Proverb #207
To find one doing, when one had no time to do, is to find one to query if his word were even true.
One Is To Be Heard #251
The answer of one is to be heard from the point of intent; the intent is not of one hearing but of one answering.
Evil Governmental Systems #256
To those that blindly and proudly serve in the evil governmental systems of this world it is said, “Consider yourselves a part and consider yourselves apart.” […]
By Every Man #271
When evil, in the hearts of men be denied space by every man, only then, will evil cease to exist in humankind.