The space one defends, and counts as his own, becomes the space of another who has the same misconception; as soon as one departs, another arrives. […]

Stop Telling Lies #414
All believers, whether true believers, unbelievers, or make believers, should know that grace is a reward to those who stop telling lies and not to those […]

Proverb #647
From that that I am by desire to that that, I may be by desire I must not desire that that I am by desire.

Proverb #268
To know what a man presently loves listen to his voice, for it is both affectionate and approving. The knowledge of those things opposite to the […]

Proverb #695
To one because of supernal understanding, certain subjects of thought are apparent; to another they do not exist on that level of infancy.

Proverb #692
Spiritual sight of the physical is easier seen than physical sight of the spiritual.

Proverb #207
To find one doing, when one had no time to do, is to find one to query if his word were even true.

Proverb #750
Due to the irrefutable nature of this unified and dichotomous realm of good and evil existence, in which we discover being, it is difficult to love […]

Every Choice #535
EVERY challenge is issued and made known, the one presently before you demands your CHOICE; either you are or you are not.

Proverb #768
Influence in one’s life is either wholesome and helpful, or worthless and hindering; to the degree … and from which you choose to separate filters through […]