Those, who easily offend, offend those who are easily offended.

Proverb #378
Overwhelming and incalculable odds should never alter the course of righteousness; keep counting, develop the equation, and exact the answer.

Proverb #117
Yes, a discernment can be certain and obvious; however, the certain is not always obvious and the obvious is not always certain.

Proverb #69
Good stewardship, by virtue, obligates one to invade even the assumed privacy of all that is under its present safekeeping.

Proverb #710
Destinations are never reached by will alone; it requires ample strength as well.

Proverb #192
People get away with what others allow them to get away with.

Proverb #539
The man to whom death is a mystery remains an untrustworthy ally.

Proverb #214
Allowing questionable distractions to pursue their nature to interrupt will cause them to return and beg remembrance – especially in prayer.

Choose Direction #158
Every path in life does not have snaring entanglements; one should choose direction with this in mind.

Proverb #133
Clutter should be something having legitimate explanation expressed solely in the past; order should be the order of the present day.