Often babies cry when nothing is wrong – it is a good time to teach.
Little Intent Receives Little Reward #410
Little intent receives little reward, for it is neither thought, nor utterance of one’s intentions that adds visible tranquility to a given situation, but rather what […]
Proverb #815
The base purpose of every law is to fully define and display every consequence that can possibly stem from its violation; our assignment is to avoid […]
Proverb #475
Within possession of every man is the possibility of wellness or illness, and that in every aspect of being; the multiplicities of either, their release or […]
_Resting_Places_ (Poem 52)
Rest given and interrupted between these lights is similitude and nothing more For the law of labor determines it so; it’s from the cause … effect […]
Proverb #623
In an attempt to be something he is not, a man engages and exercises in telling untruth.
Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
Cast the line hard boy don’t – just let it lie there ‘tis the day the vessel sails boy – you need not know … where […]
Proverb #302
Words spoken by one soon teach themselves to another; by what spirit they are released is by what spirit they are received.
Suddenly We Ride (Poem 99)
No doubt, preparation holds a key, for perhaps this detour could have been taken a certain other time