Honor will only be ignored so long, for it will dismiss itself and find another to embrace.

Proverb #814
The knowledge of outcome is always concealed: for without it one proceeds in the choice of every deed; with it one would hesitate to even choose. […]

Proverb #270
Wisdoms compel a man to travel in straight and narrow paths; for until the journey concludes with its treasure secured, one should not meander cross vagabonds’ […]

Choose Direction #158
Every path in life does not have snaring entanglements; one should choose direction with this in mind.

Take Certainty #211
When making the choice take certainty as companion, lest certainty ally the choice and cause it to return for an answer certain.

Proverb #768
Influence in one’s life is either wholesome and helpful, or worthless and hindering; to the degree … and from which you choose to separate filters through […]

Proverb #429
The act of learning must lay aside the self-regarding, pre-existing personal prejudices as well as present emotional observations and embrace anew the art of discipline and […]

The Best Way #199
The knowledge of and the searching of a better way is admirable indeed; seek also the best way.

Proverb #781
One way to become smarter is to simply listen and pay attention to others; no matter what they present – good or bad – you should […]

Proverb #587
From the lower nature one chooses to socialize sexually by degree through multiple levels; each has its own immediate reward, and each has its own ultimate […]