Not all men are fishers, nor do many wish to learn to fish; they instead prefer that you continually give to them the next fish YOU […]

That Which Centers Him #466
That which a man allows himself surrounded by is that which centers him, out to in and in to out; the center of mental, vocal, and […]

Proverb #389
Disdain is for that that remains unclean, not for that, which is being cleaned or has been cleaned.

Proverb #157
In complaint of situation one acknowledges defeat; in praise of situation one acknowledges victory.

Proverb #206
Argument is the uninvited guess at the table of knowledge; fear seats the wise to hear, and understanding is the first served.

Proverb #300
Feet that hasten the body to give the eye view of what the ear has heard could have stressed the heart less if the mind had […]