Name is a comprehensible gesture of discovery aimed toward an existence {either written or spoken} that inevitably becomes a compilation of individual symbols bound by the […]

From What One Understands #603
Mature emotion stems from what one understands, and vice versa; the mastery to defend truth is gained therein. So then, immature emotion speaks for itself.

Proverb #696
One must understand that what one knows and understands, as opposed to what one desires to know and understand, is of paramount importance, for that knowledge […]

Circular Conclusion #420
Basically, the knowledge of all things, fully comprehended through the universal law of circular conclusion becomes the traveler’s gift; the end is determined by the beginning […]

Listening Takes Practice #105
Since you were not really listening – you should try to hear again, for listening takes practice.

Proverb #731
Part A: Unless one possess an ample lexical accumulation within one’s reservoir of familiarity (the mind), which is based specifically on the current compromised level of […]

Love In A State Of Use #263
Idealistic exhibitions of love are useless to the simple soul that has yet to think in those lofty terms, whereas love in a state of use, […]

Proverb #478
Those that have no way to rehearse their belief system, except through “chapter and verse”, have little or no understanding and are just beginning their search […]

The Practice Of Learning #178
The proof of learning is the practice of learning; the necessity of learning is the practice of learning; the practice of learning is the practice of […]

then take the other of truth’s reveal (Poem 70)
I am only what truth has made me nothing less or more than what one can see the secret of love and hate both hide and […]