The greater intention or effect of any causal event is merely to lead to the next event of cause and effect; this progressive revelation continues until […]

Stop Telling Lies #414
All believers, whether true believers, unbelievers, or make believers, should know that grace is a reward to those who stop telling lies and not to those […]

Dogs That Walk On Two Legs #581
Dogs that walk on two legs rather than four are nonetheless dogs and therefore unclean animals; both continue the uncleanness’ forged by their ancestry.

Proverb #472
Thoughts are the instantaneous providers to the lusts of men; the Overcomer, because of knowledge, controls the thought and the actions vanish having no motive to […]

Proverb #795
The urging of right choice always appears to impress as an unseen force; being uniquely qualified to calculate the consequence of unbridled propensities, which quickly array […]

Proverb #653
The subtle exposure of certain and precise realities is not necessarily to draw one to conjunction but rather to a swift bypass; the soul that makes […]

Seven Digits of Pi or 3.141592
These notes are only intended to open the door by precept so one can do their own exploration.

Proverb #746
Every created entity continues within a boundary of potential until its release through compliancy and understanding; the next realm may be infinite or finite.

Proverb #547
Every man weary of learning has failed to execute what he has learned.

Continue Your Journey #115
When meeting a man who thinks himself greater than he is; and causes you to pause the path a while; it is good to allow that […]