The space one defends, and counts as his own, becomes the space of another who has the same misconception; as soon as one departs, another arrives. […]

Proverb #165
A man reveals what he fears or what he does not fear in the manner by which he arms himself.

Proverb #456
Those that remain stationary on their views tend to defend the shadows and shades that are immediately about them, and all that is over the horizon, […]

Proverb #496
The defensive lot of “Truth Lovers”, each ranked according to measurable understanding, find their greatest weaponry elevated in quiet repose.

Proverb #234
Creation’s law causes any void to be rushed; careful and prayerful decisions control what is allowed to fill the void.

Proverb #298
Perfect presentations speak for themselves, for of such are those ordered by the Creator and called unto Him.