DETERMINATION may ally with a host of emotional and “attribute of character” partners; however, the league with uncompromisingness defeats the self as the enemy at every […]

Proverb #612
Every line, upon every plane of direction, remains multi-dimensional as well as multi-directional; exchanges occur internally or externally as cognizance of each release the acquired self. […]

Proverb #733
Sufficiency defines and satisfies itself; being taught of wisdom, it sets precise limitation on every aspect of divine providence.

Proverb #538
Every entity of force or charm, of help or harm, exists limited, unless assimilated; the assimilation may help one and harm another, the purgation reveals the […]

Proverb #782
Every evening and morning we are invited into an arena of carefully orchestrated influence; at the close, and exchange of the cycle of the day, we […]

Proverb #672
Answers will unclutter to certain inexplicable questions concerning fellow men. Know this: every man is part animal; to what degree and to what animalistic influence one […]

Proverb #37
Every raindrop’s desire is to rush to sea yet understood by so very few.

Proverb #140
Before the last decree “The King” had privately taken every thing under advisement; therefore, be advised, arrive early before the next decree.

Proverb #814
The knowledge of outcome is always concealed: for without it one proceeds in the choice of every deed; with it one would hesitate to even choose. […]

Choose Direction #158
Every path in life does not have snaring entanglements; one should choose direction with this in mind.