Every precept from above provides understanding that is not total but rather partial. As each puzzle piece provides a distinct place in the revelatory portray, it […]

Proverb #740
Just as the just and universal law demands that every unmarried girl-child answers to a just parent rather than self; every married woman-wife answers to a […]

Every Choice #535
EVERY challenge is issued and made known, the one presently before you demands your CHOICE; either you are or you are not.

Proverb #678
Every entity is released for the purpose of delineation; it reveals to us the true nature of THE ONE from where all these things exist.

Proverb #756
The body serves as a place of entrapment for every action given unto man’s proclivity; the monitoring of the soul within, as the higher self, will […]

Apology That Includes Reservation #525
Every apology that includes the reservations of “self justification” minify the verity to the self and can never present the ideal contained within the expression of […]

Proverb #370
The strength of the prophet is the gift of the prophet. To receive the prophet one must contemplate every extension of the gift he offers; when […]

Proverb #697
Every change in one’s personality and behavior is spiritually suggested and facilitated by an intrinsic supernal gift of mind; it boldly and appropriately challenges one’s intellect. […]

Proverb #650
With every circumstance consciously experienced a record of decision is made toward the compilation called the subconscious that never misplaces any and constantly provides the newly […]

Proverb #753
Every outward blemish upon the fruit is indicative of the inevitable ruin within; eventually, inside and out, it looks bad, smells bad, tastes bad, and you […]