Truth gladly suffers reiteration, for in every well placed confirmation of truth, a divulgence of freedom’s hidden secret is presented and withdrawn by that very measure. […]

Proverb #394
Not every ear hears melody in the wind; for “The Creator” wrought creation for those few who desire to hear.

Proverb #475
Within possession of every man is the possibility of wellness or illness, and that in every aspect of being; the multiplicities of either, their release or […]

_Resting_Places_ (Poem 52)
Rest given and interrupted between these lights is similitude and nothing more For the law of labor determines it so; it’s from the cause … effect […]

Proverb #536
Should you actually be the one who is right amid a controversy, you should also be the one who is more understanding, less combative, and genuinely […]

Proverb #18
Virtue surveys the need of every scene and lends itself appropriately with honor to cause.

Proverb #45
Each Thing with Every Thing, individually designed of ALL, has to become what it shall be; what will be is what is, and what will be […]

Proverb #509
Every prophetical decree is conditional, for the concept of delivery must unite with the concept of reception. In addition, all things are subdued by the higher […]

Proverb #281
To know the designated place of destiny’s call is not necessarily to know the designated place of destiny’s path; every mountain is scalable but one must […]

Proverb #541
Just as gold does not exist in every stream searched, understanding is not present in all men. For the contents of a stream, seen or unseen, […]