Every soul will continually have souls pass by with intent to hinder, or to help; therefore with the gaining of this understanding; continue passing by souls […]

Every Quarrel #421
Every quarrel that ensues either resolves or returns.

Proverb #554
Every juncture, pre-labeled with the opportunity to change, requires the approaching to be with present attributes, present attitudes, and present activities, for every periodical presentation of […]

Choice #366
All that is ever wrong in the universe: globally, culturally, societal, marital, or individually is reversed forever by a single activity – “CHOICE“ – and that […]

Proverb #606
When a simple mind tells another “Everybody likes a compliment”, a wise mind hears him also say “Nobody likes an insult.”

Proverb #589
The foundation of a house mirrors its placement above and below; the longevity of a marriage and family is the same. Every seed placed by the […]

Regenerated To A Higher Level #283
Treachery and deceit lurks in the motives of every mind that has not regenerated to a higher level; one is either a part of this mediocrity, […]

At Predetermined Intervals Of Change #542
The providence attached as forerunner as well as conclusionary determinant to every aspect of will is avoided or assigned at predetermined intervals of change; otherwise, it […]

Proverb #321
Every soul that is born from above has an aversion to disorder and strives to shun all that lends itself to disorder.

Function #728
Function is a terminology that dedicates the purpose of any given subject matter to its relevancy as it pertains to every other given subject matter around […]