Repentance is to summon evil that it may be summarily dismissed.

The Measure Of The Vow #493
Souls in bodies are patterned in expressions; those that look like the worldly expressions are worldly souls, unredeemed, those that look otherwise ARE otherwise, and the […]

Wisdom Informs Foolishness Denies #342
Wisdom informs a man of the presence, the intent, and the capability of evil; foolishness denies the observations of wisdom.

The Barrier Of Language #517
The barrier of language is a most profound precept misunderstood by humankind, for it is both enabling and likewise crippling.

In His Living Before His Dying #643
The man that maintains a low nature and does not restrict evil influence develops the habit of embracing it and thereby promotes it in his living […]

Proverb #639
The present expressed resolve of the learner determines the measured response and mode of the learned; for resolve is both good and evil and must be […]

Both Find Both #482
Neither a righteous man nor an evil man actively seeks disappointment or dissatisfaction, yet both find both often. Disappointment comes to allow one to adjust expectation. […]

The Captive #382
Forgetfulness is an evil, which holds the captive, irrespective of birth; ignorance is the evil, which holds the captive, and decries the freedom of new birth. […]

Proverb #576
When mediocrity and approximation becomes a man’s standard, then he has none noteworthy; he becomes a part of the aggregation that is neither hot nor cold […]

The Proof Of Virtue #70
The proof of virtue is displayed in submission to virtue; virtue hides no evil and applauds the correction of self.