There were numerous times that I didn’t have the price of a cup of coffee in my pocket …
Finally A Deal With The Squirrels
This is a story of mixed emotion that began in tragic misunderstanding and ended in mutual respect.
When I occasionally or often glance behind me, which is to say in my past, there are astoundingly phenomenal events associated therein …
I’ll Just Write You Another Check!
I checked and she checked, she checked and I checked; we both checked again to no avail and we are both fairly good checkers!
I Am That I Am
The greater the metaphor the more obscure it is in its original and initial rendering; for this rendering provides the place of discovery but not necessarily […]
Proverb #377
Possibilities; initiated, promoted, facilitated, and envisioned by faith actuaries, become realities when measured knowledge accompanies the journey destined by change.
Three Psalms
Three Psalms to release daily.
Made Visible In Application #257
Those entities, that are invisible in essence and known only by the rationale of faith, are made visible in application; they are herein extended most powerful […]
Currently the music and recording is unavailable. So please enjoy and contemplate the lyrics of this original song by Papi.