Unless one has assurances of complete control over them, one should not remain in the presence of predators; they are distinguished as such because of inherent […]
Proverb #644
Except divinity expel nature, a place, loses identity; even as the soul originates in a place of purity it is overcome and assimilated by evil’s encroachment […]
The Nature Of A Thing – The Spirit Of A Thing #401
The nature of a thing, called cancer, or any other thing called by any other name, illusionalistically separated from the spirit of a thing called cancer, […]
And Examine Himself #202
If a man disguise himself, and examine himself, he is apt to find another view very much like the view of others.
Proverb #679
The NAME contains all that is within the image of the image within.
The Premature Inquiry Of Fools #390
The incalculable aspects and the vast arrays that share in the identity of a man’s stewardship, when measurably reduced, and simplistically understood, in a single, just, […]
Proverb #624
The one who tells truth reveals what he is and reveals what he is not – as does the one who tells untruth; and by our […]
Proverb #435
The entire nature of a thing is understood by its name – one should call honorably upon another by name.
What Does This Mean?
The brain does the bidding of the spirit of the soul and transfers its conclusions, motives, and intent to the heart