Name is a comprehensible gesture of discovery aimed toward an existence {either written or spoken} that inevitably becomes a compilation of individual symbols bound by the […]

Proverb #212
Honor will only be ignored so long, for it will dismiss itself and find another to embrace.

A Collective Whole #522
Every nuance of personality that arises to be recognized is but a partial force of a collective whole; nothing finds place except it assemble there.

Proverb #501
The space one defends, and counts as his own, becomes the space of another who has the same misconception; as soon as one departs, another arrives. […]

Proverb #209
A fleeting glance never sees the marvelous display and a predisposed ear is an abomination to be discovered.

Before Their Existence As Fools #144
Fools seek never to follow rules and in their ignorance of not knowing that all the rules were made long before their existence as fools, they […]

Both Find Both #482
Neither a righteous man nor an evil man actively seeks disappointment or dissatisfaction, yet both find both often. Disappointment comes to allow one to adjust expectation. […]

Proverb #702
Purpose makes multiple alliances through time and space until it reaches its final destination.

Proverb #798
There is an aggravation that accompanies the soul that has the present assignment to subtly discern shades of violations concerning rightness; the aggregated view of perfection […]

Proverb #576
When mediocrity and approximation becomes a man’s standard, then he has none noteworthy; he becomes a part of the aggregation that is neither hot nor cold […]