Destinations are never reached by will alone; it requires ample strength as well.

Steps Journeyed #329
The weight deposited in a man’s soul has neither silver nor natural gold; but rather, the number and pause of steps journeyed, each ordered by the […]

Proverb #769
For one to be tolerant of any given activity means that one remains active in that same activity.

Circular Conclusion #420
Basically, the knowledge of all things, fully comprehended through the universal law of circular conclusion becomes the traveler’s gift; the end is determined by the beginning […]

That Which Centers Him #466
That which a man allows himself surrounded by is that which centers him, out to in and in to out; the center of mental, vocal, and […]

The Advancement Of Understanding #354
Truth has a value system that follows a path of progressiveness and the seeker therein advances by the approval of the teacher of truth; failure to […]

Proverb #112
When traveling from one place to another a soul must seek and unite with the comforts needed in that particular place; for they are as similar […]

Proverb #270
Wisdoms compel a man to travel in straight and narrow paths; for until the journey concludes with its treasure secured, one should not meander cross vagabonds’ […]

The Journey Of The Soul #48
It is only through experiencing the gamut of complete association and under varying conditions that the knowledge of thing can be truly gained; it is particularly […]

Proverb #177
The feet of men reveal the journey of the will of men.