There accompanies a mystery at all events called instantaneous or miraculous; this makes the instant a myth. Calculated and structured transfer of power on multiple levels, […]

Proverb #230
Activities of the day either assist or hinder activities of the night; as life is to day so is death to night.

Proverb #272
How love comes to be heard in a voice, or felt in a touch, is a mystery to those who have never heard the voice or […]

Loose the Ledge (Poem 28)
By river’s edge I’ve often stood and held the ledge for I knew I could. I wrote in rhyme and sang in tune I kept the time […]

Proverb #516
When once we realize that the illusions before us established, nurtured, and revealed are in the illusionary field we should examine the place of the obscure […]

Today’s Revelation #598
When today’s revelation echoes the clarity of yesterday’s misgiving, we find perfection no longer a myth – unattainable – but rather the course channeled by the […]

Otherwise, Perfection Remains A Myth #700
At some point in time and space the energies of the ascending and perfecting mind must embrace maximal philosophical inquiry above any and all traditional anchors […]

The End Of Rainbows #226
Those that chase the end of rainbows are self-employed and will never be wealthy.

Proverb #162
Enemies that are denied to exist shall never be conquered.