Clarity finds its resting place in understanding; while it is indeed mutual it can never remain negotiable, for in its purest phase the bond is completed. […]

The Strength Of A Man #480
The number of things he actually CONTROLS easily measures the strength of a man.

Proverb #716
Understanding has multitudinous levels of proficiency much like strengths and techniques required for weight lifting; most anyone can lift a little.

Proverb #638
Where there is none – has a lot to do with – when there is none; none seen of now – is because of the seen […]

Live To Learn #279
The greatest knowledge I know is to share the knowledge I know, for all exist to learn, to learn to exist to live, to live to […]

Proverb #545
The level of teaching, from one taught, changes before the level of learning of one to be taught.

Proverb #37
Every raindrop’s desire is to rush to sea yet understood by so very few.

Proverb #692
Spiritual sight of the physical is easier seen than physical sight of the spiritual.

Proverb #357
In foolishness, one falls into the ditch and in greater foolishness tries to dig himself out.

Proverb #438
The parable written in the blood and suffering of “Two Thieves and a Savior” answers immeasurable inquiry into secret places.