Careful release of words potential of secret disclosure is always advised, for the color of a man’s heart is not always as the color of his […]

The Chariot Of Transformation #563
Between perfection, wherein resides health and beauty, and the plagues of the shadow of death, is repentance, within resides the chariot of transformation.

Proverb #567
Appetite is given to the body by desire, and flourishes in taste and touch; temperance is the higher power given to the mind to rule the […]

To Receive Greater Charge #324
A man must relinquish unto the King all he thinks himself to be in charge of; his reward for doing so just may insure that he […]

Proverb #529
Intellectual growth provides character worthy of regal rests.

Proverb #557
If a man and woman do not unite the soul in living, it is unlikely to happen in death.

Proverb #592
The meeting of potential and reality completes the journey; the house is built by expansion and contraction. The foundation begins the expansion, and the crown completes […]

Socializing #588
Socializing is just another vague word for entrapment opportunities.

Proverb #323
One is not born with the power, but rather the potential, to hurt or beguile another; it must be learned and practiced to be of any […]

Proverb #746
Every created entity continues within a boundary of potential until its release through compliancy and understanding; the next realm may be infinite or finite.