Science chases the cause of all that is seen throughout the visible realm, but quickly loses sight in the invisible; it is here the trail emphatically […]

One Speaks – One Listens #325
Conversations should be on this wise – one speaks – one listens – one speaks – one listens; it should not be difficult to know whose turn it is.

Dust #599
Each time the dust settles the revelation begins anew.

Proverb #615
Searching the limits of acceptance is dangerous practice; insincere and deceitful inquiries deserve clever replies, for it is only to the level of one’s own intent […]

Proverb #145
While coming early to serve is admirable and advised – avoiding early departure from the task is equally so encouraged.

Proverb #73
Propriety acknowledges with virtue, and respects with praise, the set boundary of all things.

Proverb #206
Argument is the uninvited guess at the table of knowledge; fear seats the wise to hear, and understanding is the first served.

Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Proverb #519
When at last: one who is learned; in light, and finds in light, the many learners pretending to be the learned become inferior; consequently, each is […]

You fool (Poem 97)
You fool . . . your sloven and apparently self-anesthetized incoherent mumbling . . . slurred haphazardly from a distance avoiding presence and the eyes of […]