The revelation of “Oneness” sets and frees the secret of ALL to questions and answers.
Proverb #247
The spirit of a man receives its measure of influence by spiritual seed of good or evil and disperses from it an infinite supply of influence. […]
Proverb #807
Knowing that you occasionally have the ability to be victorious is enough to reach the crowning ceremony; provided you remember what you know.
Proverb #227
By the aide of the accumulative factors of wisdom and understanding will the wealth of true knowledge be expressed; the phenomena of birth either natural or […]
Proverb #508
The courage that willingly gives all becomes the wisdom that deservedly receives all.
Proverb #706
Purpose precedes promise – plans perfect placement.
Proverb #651
Nature provides a glimpse of innate knowledge in revealing that some species rush the seasons of change. In the race before us, by that innate knowledge […]
Two Cents Worth #373
To all that await “KING” and Kingdom, know this, the “two cents worth” that democracy deceptively grants you will NOT be worth two cents.
Proverb #151
In receiving or providing the element of trust both should be developed and practiced in worthiness of trust; anything less is a mockery.
Proverb #180
In the purity of mind, the will of God illuminates the apparent.