If perishing involves a lack of knowledge, then truly, knowing aligns the avenue toward salvation.
The Know-It-All #392
If there are things in life that one has not brought to one’s attention, then it may well be true, “THE KNOW-IT-ALL” by honest default has […]
Proverb #647
From that that I am by desire to that that, I may be by desire I must not desire that that I am by desire.
Proverb #670
Maturity announces to one its arrival when that one actually does not have to be TOLD or driven to complete its own responsibilities.
Proverb #611
Diagonal directions serve only to skew one incrementally or drastically to cause the conduit to collapse unto the plane of other endeavor.
Residing In The Soul #72
Desire is a strange entity residing in the soul; when it is released for procurement, the mind, if carnally confused, gets in the way and desire’s […]
Think Better Thoughts #715
Though one should certainly employ the attribute of common sense often – one should also know it is overrated – look around – and think better thoughts.
Dust #599
Each time the dust settles the revelation begins anew.
Hard To Kick Against The Pricks #465
The plight of finding it “hard to kick against the pricks” has befallen many; the great ones, called “Sons of God”, find the cause that re-directs […]
Proverb #720
The mind is limited only by a willful engagement; reality provides for no sustained limitation of thought; and by willful re-engagement thought continues its quest for […]