Activities of the day either assist or hinder activities of the night; as life is to day so is death to night.

Proverb #551
How long one sleeps is a conscious decision agreed upon by the subconscious.

Proverb #268
To know what a man presently loves listen to his voice, for it is both affectionate and approving. The knowledge of those things opposite to the […]

That Which Centers Him #466
That which a man allows himself surrounded by is that which centers him, out to in and in to out; the center of mental, vocal, and […]

Proverb #177
The feet of men reveal the journey of the will of men.

Proverb #25
The reflectivities of any object are but an illusion; as the essence is to the soul – so the mind is to the inquiry.

Proverb #433
Speak to nature and in given time nature will reciprocate; gain the trust of secret bearers and their secrets are to gain, for secrets long to […]

Proverb #472
Thoughts are the instantaneous providers to the lusts of men; the Overcomer, because of knowledge, controls the thought and the actions vanish having no motive to […]

Guilt, Or Innocence #408
Ask any man, which weighs more, guilt, or innocence, and his reply will most often be “I do not know”; although, he knows the answer long […]

Will Face Yet Another Present #362
Every man that refuses to understand where he is, and why he is, in the present, will face yet another present. When he understands the present […]