Souls in bodies are patterned in expressions; those that look like the worldly expressions are worldly souls, unredeemed, those that look otherwise ARE otherwise, and the […]

Proverb #270
Wisdoms compel a man to travel in straight and narrow paths; for until the journey concludes with its treasure secured, one should not meander cross vagabonds’ […]

The Seventh Sense #474
The five senses individually and collectively aid the consciousness of one to activate the sixth sense that resides in the mind. By it; the subconscious powers […]

Separated To Collaborate With Good #534
The goodness of the day, while abundantly apparent to one, inevitably escapes focus upon another; worthiness of the soul separated to collaborate with good is then […]

Proverb #649
Finite is to the intrinsic, as infinite is to the extrinsic, separated only by the material veil of flesh; once removed, the two unite in the […]

Proverb #644
Except divinity expel nature, a place, loses identity; even as the soul originates in a place of purity it is overcome and assimilated by evil’s encroachment […]

Proverb #648
Aspirations divinely forged together neither began nor will they end isolated from the greater Desire of the Creator of All; when All Desire is visited then […]

The Nature Of A Thing – The Spirit Of A Thing #401
The nature of a thing, called cancer, or any other thing called by any other name, illusionalistically separated from the spirit of a thing called cancer, […]

Proverb #674
An isolated soul will find itself as such; as it spends the daily allotment of time on self-indulgences only.

Proverb #262
Some things require the view to be from at least four directions or some things remain hidden.