The identical ill-taught nature and contentious spirit will definitely accompany one’s arguments, as to why he should be allowed to go one way and not the […]
All That Happens #331
All that happens this day is needful for this day, for the day past has brought forth this day for the morrow to come.
In The Union Of The Aspects Of Two #540
The Essence of One is hidden in the union of the aspects of two. As it is written, “for two … shall be one flesh”, and […]
When You Extend Your Hand #220
Extend your soul when you extend your hand and that received or given shall be eternally true.
Proverb #229
One who allows a lying spirit to visit or stay, will never know truth, for the search for truth by that one shall be in vain, […]
Forerunning Accumulations #190
Except the promotion of truth contain the acknowledgement of forerunning accumulations, destiny will claim its due of demotion; for when truth is partial and motive impure […]
“Restitution Of All Things” #349
The “restitution of all things” shall set in order a right relationship of one thing to another as one soul to another until the preparation recognizes […]
Will Face Yet Another Present #362
Every man that refuses to understand where he is, and why he is, in the present, will face yet another present. When he understands the present […]
Proverb #161
Disappointment shall be the discovery to each one that seeks to execute personal vengeance.
The Premature Inquiry Of Fools #390
The incalculable aspects and the vast arrays that share in the identity of a man’s stewardship, when measurably reduced, and simplistically understood, in a single, just, […]