Unless a man learns to close his eyes to find rest for the soul he will open them having not rested.
Proverb #684
The man that grows weary of constant fighting is easily wounded.
Proverb #109
When the cart that carries the burden becomes overloaded, it is obvious that at least one burden is placed there prematurely.
The Precept of Time (Poem 85)
The movement of time so impedes our plans, it moves – way too fast – or moves way too slow There’s never enough time to get […]
“I Am Going To Deck Him Today!”
I didn’t want to lose my job over a fight but there was about to be one!
Proverb #129
There are leaves that never fall in autumn; they hang on all through winter; in the spring they try to live again – being dead … […]
Proverb #300
Feet that hasten the body to give the eye view of what the ear has heard could have stressed the heart less if the mind had […]
The Most Private Areas #149
True covenant with another invades the most private areas of each.
“The Formidable Power Of Consequence” #764
To consciously or otherwise choose to ignore, or endeavor to defeat, as an enemy – “the formidable power of consequence” – is by that same choice […]