Spiritual power diminishes secular power; however, it all rests upon the fulcrum of balance.

Proverb #236
The higher level of truth will always suffer and embrace the lower level of truth in its own plane of discovery and partiality; it, however, will […]

Proverb #140
Before the last decree “The King” had privately taken every thing under advisement; therefore, be advised, arrive early before the next decree.

The Highest Form Of Discipline #530
Assumptions are ill mannered and damaging to one’s intellect, for it is intellectual growth that provides character with higher motive, and understanding is the highest form […]

To Receive Greater Charge #324
A man must relinquish unto the King all he thinks himself to be in charge of; his reward for doing so just may insure that he […]

It Must Also Interlock #503
Every precept from above provides understanding that is not total but rather partial. As each puzzle piece provides a distinct place in the revelatory portray, it […]

Proverb #537
From the center of ALL, the courses and dictates are sent forth of every temporal participation.

Proverb #427
Either deficiency or immensity of one’s own knowledge registers the contradictory or supportive level for the knowledge of another … should that level of knowledge desire […]

Proverb #577
Obviously the discrimination, practiced or avoided, by a lower nature does not quantify evenly with that enumerated from the highest nature; this is taught, and must […]

The Best Way #199
The knowledge of and the searching of a better way is admirable indeed; seek also the best way.