Science chases the cause of all that is seen throughout the visible realm, but quickly loses sight in the invisible; it is here the trail emphatically […]

The Know-It-All #392
If there are things in life that one has not brought to one’s attention, then it may well be true, “THE KNOW-IT-ALL” by honest default has […]

Proverb #733
Sufficiency defines and satisfies itself; being taught of wisdom, it sets precise limitation on every aspect of divine providence.

Proverb #769
For one to be tolerant of any given activity means that one remains active in that same activity.

Proverb #545
The level of teaching, from one taught, changes before the level of learning of one to be taught.

Proverb #37
Every raindrop’s desire is to rush to sea yet understood by so very few.

The Rules Of Cheek Turning #318
The Christ outlined the rules of cheek turning that outlawed the rules of self-defense; those that rush incessantly to self-defense obviously missed that spiritual memo.

Cannot Expect The Same Reward #358
The one, who spends an entire life, consciously and subconsciously, accruing immeasurable refusals to be re-taught in order to re-live, cannot expect the same reward as […]

Proverb #811
I will not explain it but will reveal; when you find out why there are presently more wicked individuals than righteous individuals; then will you know […]

Proverb #740
Just as the just and universal law demands that every unmarried girl-child answers to a just parent rather than self; every married woman-wife answers to a […]