Nature, through time and space, only provides juncture and opportunity for mature development – the rest is up to self.
Proverb #683
The difficult seam of opposite correlation to perfect harmony is clearly seen by the one who can abolish the element of time.
Proverb #613
The consciousness, that lacks the ability of maintaining focus on connotations contained at the ends of visual cortexes, tends to limit inherent growth allocated by time; […]
Proverb #674
An isolated soul will find itself as such; as it spends the daily allotment of time on self-indulgences only.
Why Are We Called To Be Separate?
To the nation called Israel, understanding the wisdom of separation is by Torah, and to the nations called Gentiles its offering is by grace . . .
Proverb #308
Often babies cry when nothing is wrong – it is a good time to teach.
Halfway Believable #425
If folks spent as much time telling the truth as they do telling untruths, they would at least be halfway believable. As it stands, the only […]
Proverb #607
If it is that everyone knows the truth but you – rest assured your time is coming; be it joyful, tearful, or both – your time […]
Proverb #418
Concerning family, the mother-in-law that has spent her idle time staying busy for the sake of others has earned an opinion; otherwise, the accumulation of that […]
At This Time (Poem 84)
May the government of my soul be so ordered – redeemed – set free … at this time Unto its final extraction from the earthly body […]