Careful release of words potential of secret disclosure is always advised, for the color of a man’s heart is not always as the color of his […]

Proverb #222
At times, challenge in life is like thinning a carrot patch; be glad it is not often to be done.

The Unity Of Love Forces Away The Forces Of Torment #765
The one who engages, and cannot escape, turmoil, strife, and disunity in his daily routine has failed to exclusively take the opportunities to devote exclusive attention […]

The Captive #382
Forgetfulness is an evil, which holds the captive, irrespective of birth; ignorance is the evil, which holds the captive, and decries the freedom of new birth. […]

Proverb #641
One who pursues to capture and master the intangible essence of change may also presume the hazard of capture and to be mastered by change.

Choose Direction #158
Every path in life does not have snaring entanglements; one should choose direction with this in mind.

Proverb #357
In foolishness, one falls into the ditch and in greater foolishness tries to dig himself out.

Proverb #756
The body serves as a place of entrapment for every action given unto man’s proclivity; the monitoring of the soul within, as the higher self, will […]

Passing Spiral Winds #526
Except the simple minded be stirred by the passing spiral winds of knowledge, they remain trapped in an orbit of simplistic existence; the understanding of change […]

Proverb #148
Sometimes one can be free from the inextricably complicated design of entrapment merely by recalling the simplicity of the trap.