Except the promotion of truth contain the acknowledgement of forerunning accumulations, destiny will claim its due of demotion; for when truth is partial and motive impure […]
Proverb #8
For a man to be convinced of truth he must first be convinced of untruth; a man once blind and now seeing, altogether knows his state […]
In The Face of The Eagle The Lion and The Ox (Poem 83)
As the eagle discerns – at rest – the limits of his gifted sight ahead It is from behind, his view is noted, and from a […]
Proverb #496
The defensive lot of “Truth Lovers”, each ranked according to measurable understanding, find their greatest weaponry elevated in quiet repose.
Proverb #203
When none are the convinced of One and one is convinced, then the convinced one can none convince of One. When one is the convinced of […]
Some #239
It is not that some expounders “just have to be right – always” as viewed by base shallow thinkers; in simple complicatedness it should be understood […]
Consider Self-Denial #376
The oppositeness of two equally matched forces will eventually establish a balance that subdues action; movement in either direction must resume as one or both forces […]
Expose The Enemy #341
Just as visible patterns in nature allow the serpent to camouflage his presence, it is equally so in the invisible realms; hiding places frequently and carefully […]
Proverb #240
Truth is among the greatest treasures found and of necessity among the greatest treasures hidden.
Proverb #95
Your mind is a river of time gathering strength in truth or lie.